Just a little more info...

I started writing when I was nine years old. I was a silently precocious child and lived more within my mind than in the 'real' world. I found more peace and assurance in my imagination than in my home. The love of my imaginary family was far greater than that of my 'real' one. I wrote in detail about my childhood in Revelationz Inception .

My original idea for beginning my business - Revelationz - Holistic Empowerment Training Centre - was to vlog revelations I was receiving as daily inspirations on Instagram. Once I began writing on Medium.com, I had the idea to transcribe my Revelationz_HET videos and publish them on my Medium publication as Revelationz-in-print.

I began my IGTV during an extremely pivotal time in my life. I was training to fulfill my 34 year-old goal of getting back on stage as a physique competitor while trying to repair my marriage after a thirteen year separation. Each day I uploaded videos of the inspired thoughts I was receiving and my progress during my preparation for the OCB's Volunteer State competition on October 2, 2021.

I won the competition but lost my marriage.

Once the dust settled after the whirlwind of change that ensued after my competition and subsequently leaving my husband, I decided to focus on beginning Revelationz-in-print. I transcribed four videos and published them on Medium. However, after publishing the last one, I hit a wall. I became completely disconnected from the idea. I had to step away and do some reevaluation because the videos no longer resonated within me. I realized that it would be nearly impossible to recreate the inspiration of the videos because this is a new time and I am a new woman. Those revelations were pertinent to what I was experiencing at that time. I was trying to recreate something whose time had passed.

I also realized that in order for anyone to truly receive a revelation and experience an "aha moment", there must be an example that the receiver can identify within their own lives. 

So, it is my intention to share my life experiences with you to help create a receptive atmosphere within your heart and mind for the dawning of the revelations you have been waiting for...

The revelations that will shine light into your dark places, give you strength where you are weak, hope within your despair, and the courage you need to carry on...

Through the darkness of my life, may you find light to shine within yours.

