This is What I Believe

The smoke has cleared and the dust has settled. Many things are different, yet nothing has changed. The chaos I left is still present. It is dressed differently and has appeared in a different light… Familiarity surrounds me… The same scene with different characters and stage props…

Yes, one thing is different. It is the only difference that matters.


I am the difference…

I am what matters.

I now sit, awake and alert, within a new realm of consciousness.

A new realm of consciousness that is creating a new pattern of beliefs.

I am Asha. I am the Difference. I am what Matters.


I believe in Me for all I know is Me- even as I am still learning me- even as I am still manifesting me -even as I am still growing within me.

I believe in my goodness for I know I wish no harm- even as I am still learning it- even as it still manifesting -even as I am still growing within it.

I believe in my uniqueness for I know its’ importance is great- even as I am still learning it- even as it is still manifesting- even as I am still growing within it.

I believe in my truth for I know it is ever evolving- even as I am still learning it- even as it is still manifesting- even as I am still growing within it.

I believe in my ascension for I know it holds hands with my authenticity as they dance together within the Universe- even as I am still learning it- even as it is still manifesting- even as I am still growing within it.

I believe in the union of my trinity- my body, soul, and spirit- for I know it is the mirrored expression of the divine Trinity- even as I am still learning it-even as it is still manifesting- even as I am still growing within it.

I believe in my power for I know it is limitless- even as I am still learning it-even as it is still manifesting- even as I am still growing within it.

I believe in my pursuit of perfecting my imperfections for I know it to be the reflection of my truth expressed through my uniqueness- even as I am still learning it- even as it is still manifesting- even as I am still growing within it.

I believe in the strength of my will for I know it is the crescendo of the dance of my authentic self with my ascending self- even as I am still learning it- even as it is still manifesting- even as I am still growing within it.

I believe in the force of my nature for I know it is the divine spark of life within my trinity- even as I am still learning it- even as it is still manifesting- even as I am still growing within it.

I believe in Me for all that I know is that I AM ME -even as I am still learning -even as I am still manifesting- even as I am still growing.

©2022, Asha Carraway
