Westgate I: The Visitation

 December 21, 2022

5:21 am

An angel appeared and sat next to me on the bed. I felt her presence so gentle and loving. I instinctively moved my legs over and repositioned myself to give her space to sit. I felt the warmth of her touch as she caressed my face and spoke:

“You have done it. You have crossed over and have possessed your land. All sorrow has ceased. The destruction that laid waste in your life has come to its end. The war waged against you is no more. The giants that stood before you have fallen at your feet!”

In the back of my mind I heard Eric Thomas whisper, “You outlasted the pain”.

“Indeed you have, little one! Indeed you have! Rare is the one who has stood as you have…”

Eric Thomas faded as I remembered the morning I wrote Sojourner, Sophia, Harriet, Rosa, Me and You. I remembered how each one of these power women appeared to me as I sat broken and terrified trying to make sense of a lifetime of pain.

“You put your heart and soul- your entire being into your pursuit of truth, never yielding but continually wielding faith as whatever weapon she needed to be in the face of every enemy you encountered.”

I remembered the morning, twelve years ago, when God gave me the name of my youngest son (in utero)- two weeks before the death of my eldest son:

“You will call him AZRA: Asha Zalika Roberson’s Angel. His middle name will be JUSTICE. Azra means PURE. He, AZRA, is pure justice for all that you have endured thus far in your life. His birth signifies the ending of all your pain and sorrow, all the destruction will cease and darkness will become light. I will make your crooked ways straight. I will bring the valleys high and the mountains low. The day will come when you will cry no more. This is my promise. He, AZRA, is my promise.”

God used a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire by night to guide Israel during their Exodus from Egyptian bondage. He gave me a son- an angel incarnate- to lead me through mine.

“Indeed He did and you have made it through the bondage. Your bonds have been broken and utterly destroyed. You have possessed your Promised Land…”

I remembered the vision I had in December 2019:

I saw myself just reaching a shoreline in a raggedy wooden sail boat with a small cabin. The sail was shredded and the wood was rotted. It had made it ashore by faith alone. I got off the boat barely able to stand. The warmth of the soft sand beneath my feet invigorated me. I walked a few feet away from the boat and stared into the direction from which I came. I was astonished by the beauty and serenity of the sea- clearly, by the condition of the boat, a stark contrast from the troubled waters I had encountered. I took a deep breath and turned around.

I could hardly believe what I saw. I was facing a living wall of the greenest, most vibrant shrubbery imaginable. I had never seen shades of green that vivid. The wall was dense and stretched for miles to the left and right.

I turned to look back at the boat. It began to disintegrate slowly. Fear gripped me and I began to run towards it.

“My children,” I whisper as I tried to move.

A gentle force kept me still.

“Where you are going, they cannot follow.”

I turned back toward the forest.

“You have reached your Promised Land- your land flowing with milk and honey. But there are giants in your land. You will have to stand and fight. You must pursue your enemies and recover all. This is what I promised you long ago. You have made it. There is no return to what once was. You must possess your land.”

Three months later, I reunited with my now ex-husband after thirteen years of separation and the battle for possession of my land began.

The angel’s soft voice brought me back:

“…and now here you are two years later victorious. You defied your opponent, went against the odds, conquered the final front, and have possessed your land- the battle for your true, authentic self has been won.


>>Westgate II: The Symbolism>>

©2022, Asha Carraway
